Bonding And Fillings

Dental bonding and fillings are done for many different reasons, including a tooth that suffers from decay, a fracture or chipped tooth, and for cosmetic reasons. The number one reason fillings are done is for dental caries, also known as cavities. 

We are an amalgam free facility at Goel dental Aesthetics, we only use composite bonding for our fillings. Over the last few years, composite fillings have become more and more popular as we are able to restore your teeth with a material that matches the shape and color of your natural teeth. This gets rid of the metal fillings that were done in the past. Another advantage of composite fillings are that they are bonded to your natural tooth structure, which allows us to be more conservative in our preparations. 

What Are Some Symptoms Of Needing Fillings?

If you are experiencing any random tooth sensitivity when eating cold or sweets, this may be an indication that you have a cavity and would need a filling. It is important to locate and treat a filling early before it leads to tooth loss. If you are experiencing tooth pain or sensitivity, please schedule an appointment so we get ahead of a cavity forming and spreading.

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