Teeth Whitening | Bleaching (ZOOM)

Over time, teeth become stained and discolored by different foods and beverages that we consume in our everyday life. Here at Goel Dental Aesthetics we offer Zoom whitening, both in the office and as take home gel kits to improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence. One of the most asked and misunderstood questions is if whitening damages your teeth. The answer is simply NO, when done professionally. Our teeth whitening process does not damage your teeth. We use professional methods that protect your enamel. Whitening products contain either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. These bleaches break stains in your teeth which makes color less concentrated, ultimately brightening and whitening your teeth. If interested, please come in for a consultation to determine if whitening is right for you.

What Are The Benefits Of ZOOM Whitening? 

  • Professional grade bleaching agents 
  • Long lasting results 
  • Resistance against future discoloration and stains 
  • Quick, easy, and significant results in a short one hour procedure 
  • Can complement other procedures such as veneers

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